Health and safety
Our people are one of our major assets. We are committed to providing the safest possible working environment for our employees and minimising the risks associated with coal mining.
We actively promote industrial a safety culture and adhere to the principles of zero tolerance for injuries and accidents.
Health and Safety Rules / Employees, contractors, sub-contractors and visitors are committed to:
- A proactive safety culture that includes personal responsibility, accountability and teamwork
- Providing our people with the necessary equipment, tools and training to do their job safely
- Respecting human rights through ethical business decisions and actions
- Understanding work-place safely is a key step in operational efficiency
- Continually improving our safety and health management system

Our aim is to produce coal safely, seeking to minimise the environmental impact as we are highly aware of the environmental consequences of our operations.
The recommissioning of our mines will have a positive socio–economic impact in the region and reduce the risks of uncontrolled flooding of the area. Therefore we view environmental protection as an integral part of our business. The only way to be economically viable is to operate environmentally and socially responsibly.
We are strongly committed to sustainability and we recognize that sustainable development is of critical importance to our business.
We seek to minimise our impact on the environment. We work to avoid environmental incidents. Our assets manage environmental risk in line with our environmental policy, which aligns with global and industry standards and defines how to eliminate and manage environmental risks; and determines environmental plans and management systems.